
Sarah ODell
Aug 24, 2021

I’m homesick for a place I cannot name nor consciously remember.

Only a lingering intuition deep within my chest remains.

I welcome death in the hopes of discovering this place again.

I feel alienated within my personality of this body

Humanity and society are foreign and I analyze their behavior to learn how it’s supposed to be

Humanity proves to be meaningless and the interactions are tedious and empty.

The entity within me is too weird to be alive in this world

I am ashamed and isolated while suffering for a need to belong to something out here. Masking myself to find some sense of peace from the pain of my authenticity.

I am a stranger to everyone who I become intimate

I am a stranger to myself

I’m not sure I’ll ever find what it means to be at one with myself

I don’t belong here



Sarah ODell

My deranged, wretched and dark thoughts, theories and poetry venturing in this realm.